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A Visual Narrative
Climate Change Project
kdb Photography & Paintings
July Weeks 1&2

Blue Moon
A flock of terns is the grey blurs you can see!

Morse River
at Popham Beach.

Gathering Nectar

Least Sandpipers
Popham Beach

Popham Beach

Plovers Nesting Dunes
Popham Beach

Pitch Pines at Popham Beach

Popham Beach
Humid, Hot and very Buggy. Very!

Lowtide Cloud Reflections
Popham Beach


Morse Marsh
High Summer

Least Sand Pipers
Popham Beach

Looking East
Noisy Sky at Popham Beach

Mood Sky
Popham Beach

Backside Morse River at Popham Beach

Morse River Reflection
Popham Beach

Sand Pipers, Plovers
& Seguin Light

Golden Glow
Popham Beach

Seguin Light

Dragon Fly
North Creek

Morse Marsh & the Moon

Water Lily
North Creek

Frog at Sprague Pond

Dragon Fly
Just unfurled its wings.

Water Garden
Sprague Pond

Beautiful Bee
North Creek Farm

North Creek Farm

Dramatic Sky
Popham Beach

Piping Plover
Popham Beach

Morse River
at Popham Beach

Contrail and Clouds

Bindweed Blooms
Gathering Nectar, Sebasco

North Creek Farm

Plover and Tern Habitat
Popham Beach

Semi Palmated Plover
Popham Beach



Yellow Legs
Morse River Lowtide

Vetch in Meadow
Parker Head

Meadow Beetle
Parker Head
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