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I have been a painter since I was a girl. My favorite mediums are Acrylic and Encaustic. I am inspired by the natural world, Nature is my muse.

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Artist. Photographer. Curious Naturalist. Designer.

I am passionate about nature and all of the gifts the natural world has to offer. I believe the gift of the great outdoors needs to be documented, in Paintings, Photographs and Words. My personal goal is to lure people through ART & the written word to fall in love with our natural world. The Oceans, Marshes, Woods, Plains, Mountains and the Edge of the Sea in Maine are amazing.

kdb Wilderland.Maine is my contribution and a vehicle to get folks to fall in love and steward this special spot in the world. Paint, Wax, Brushes, Notebooks and a Camera are my tools, taking me where I need to go.

Step by step, day by day into Wilderland.Maine, a magical place indeed.

I fell in love with nature and everyday I am rewarded in ways that I never dreamed were possible. 

Over the years my camera has taught me how to see. I purchased my first camera at age 14. Seeing through the lens allows me to focus in and really observe. A camera captures light and energy, I have always found this to be amazing and seductive.


Curious Naturalist
Nature. I take walks and explore the natural world almost everyday. Living in Vacationland (Maine) is the perfect place to study. The Wilderland is inspiring in all weather and all seasons. I am forever amazed, delighted and happy to live in such a place.

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PO Box 331
Phippsburg, Maine.
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© 2014-2025 WilderlandMaine kdb Dominguez

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