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An invitation to be curious.
A Four Year study and Visual Narrative.

This is an Interactive exhibit with

Encaustic and Acrylic Paintings, Photographs, Topo-maps, Guides and

a Discovery Table. The Wilderland and its treasures will be displayed within the gallery for visitors to explore as the artist will set up a temporary ART Studio at this Exhibit/Experience. She will be painting birds and working on illustrations for her “Eye Spy Nature Series.


The Wilderland Exhibit is an interactive experience which has been developed by local Maine artist and photographer, Kdb Dominguez during a four-year, all-season commitment of engagement within the Kennebec River Watershed, 10 nautical miles, from Merrymeeting Bay to

Seguin Island Lighthouse.


November 5th-

December 20th.2018

The Chocolate Church Art Gallery


Tuesday, noon-4pm; Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;

Friday, noon-4 p.m.

804 Washington St.

Bath, Maine.



The Wilderland Basecamp Interactive Exhibit

Year ONE: The Virtual Tour...
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The Wilderland Interactive Exhibit

An invitation to be curious.
How will the Kennebec River change in decades to come and what do those changes mean?
By the time the Kennebec gets to the City of Bath, it is brackish water. It then travels 10 nautical miles down river to the outgoing tide and meets the pounding surf at Popham Beach, then empties into the Gulf of Maine.
This is an Interactive exhibit with Encaustic and Acrylic Paintings, Photographs, Topo-maps, Guides and a Discovery Table. The Wilderland and its treasures are here for you to explore.

June and July 2015.

The Chocolate Church Art Gallery


Tuesday, noon-4pm; Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;

Friday, noon-4 p.m.

804 Washington St.

Bath, Maine.


This is

from 2015!

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