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Curious Naturalist



Passionate Observer


Studying the Reaches, Marshes, Bays and Inter-Tidal Zones is the inspiration for all of my creative endeavors. The call of a Red Winged Blackbird, konk-ker-heee, while he is perched atop a Cattail, sends me! Walking along the rocky shore and hearing the cooing sounds of Eiders floating about is a very dear moment. The knock-knock-knock of a Woodpecker digging for a grub in a tree trunk can send me to my studio, with visions of birch trees and birdies! Sometimes when walking along on the edge of an Estuary I see a shadow pass by on the trail, looking up only to see a Great Blue Heron or a Bald Eagle or recently a Golden Eagle soaring high above, hunting around for their supper. Yes it is a lively Wilderland we inhabit.


After my days of exploring, noting changes and differences, not just the big ones, like Seasons, but subtle things like the sun shifting, where it rises and sets on the horizon. I adore being out on a trail overlooking the Sea and watching the Moon rising, elegantly, slowly and with such natural grace, that I am awestruck. Nature is a nuance filled place. One must pay very close attention, as it is ever changing. Never the same twice. Ever! I am hooked on this place I call Wilderland.Maine and I am interested in my continued quest for exploring and documenting through Photographs, Acrylic Paintings, Encaustic Paintings & Etchings, Pen and Ink Sketches, Blog Postings and Facebook posts. Our special corner of the world has a rich environment, we should all be paying attention, that is what will save this Wilderland for generations to come.

Fall in love with nature, you will be rewarded in ways that you never dreamed were possible. 

Life just could not get any better.


All living things matter, Eco-systems, Birdies, Wildlife, Insects, Plants, flowers and YOU. kdb ART is inspired every day by all that our natural world has to offer. Thank you for being interested in the great outdoors and all of the magic it has to offer.




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Phippsburg, Maine.
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© 2014-2025 WilderlandMaine kdb Dominguez

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